Message from Deputy Director.

Greeting !

It’s a previlege and honor to be a servant in God’s Kingdom,I am humbled to testify about Him, for who He is and what He has done in my life.In 1999,God touched my life and set a part my life to serv Him faithfully.And in 2019 the vision enlarged and the Lord help us to start Christian Bible College in order to glorify God and exemplifying the body of Christ in evangelizing unbelievers for eternity.In obedience to the Great Commission our vision is to share about the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ to the most unreached people in Asia and then to educate and equip nativ leaders within the Community,for serving to their own people through Church planting ministry and changing society for the Glory of God. My heart is to see Christian Bible College equipping young people for their mission in three majors: Prayers, strong emphasis in the Bible and Soul wining. Christian Bible College is a place for those who have the desire to start a pioner Church and it stand as a strong Christian witness.

In His vineyard

Rev. G.K.Myrthong, Deputy Director CBC.


Rev. G.K.Myrthong,

Deputy Director CBC.